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Antrochaonal polyp (ACP) in a 4-year-old child: a rare case


Rahman MM1, Islam MA2, Asaduzzaman M3, Khan MH4, Rahman W5


Background: Antrochoanal polyp is a benign, solitary polypoidal lesion arises from the maxillary antral mucosa that traverses through the ostium to the choana extending in a variable extent to the naso/oropharynx. It is usually unilateral. It should be on differential diagnosis of any patients with nasal obstruction and chronic nasal discharge. Nasal endoscopy, computed tomography (CT), cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) and magnet-ic resonance imaging (MRI) are the main diagnostic techniques. Complete endoscopic surgical removal from the antral portion is recommended to prevent recurrence. Here a 4-year-old child of antrochoanal polyp who under- went functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) with complete clearance from the maxillary antrum is presented. Dutch anatomist Fredyk Ruyschin 1961, first known scientist published a description of polyps arising from the maxillary antrum.' Palfyn in 1753 described a two-sac polyp arising from the maxillary sinus mucosa.” In 1891, Zuckerland described a case of a solitary polyp originates from the maxillary sinus.? In 1906, the term antrocho- anal polyp (ACP) was first coined by Professor Gustav Killian who described it as a unilateral, solitary, and pear-shaped mass with a cystic stalk arising from the maxillary antrum, differing from the other nasal polyps in the formation of two constrictions where one when passes through the maxillary ostium in the nasal cavity and the other when it traverses from the nose through the choana towards the nasopharynx.‘ This definition is still used, and given ACP the eponym of Killian Polyp.

Key words: Antrochoanal polyp; computed tomography (CT), FESS

Issue: Vol. 7 No. 1 (2021)

Publish Date: Jun 01, 2022