Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
Shaheed Monsur Ali Medical College is a pioneer institution to train the students for becoming knowledgeable & engaging medical practitioners. Dicipline , hard work & follow-up are the basic building blocks of the college. Students ,teachers and stuff of the college have been working as a team from the inception of this institution.
The result & achievements of the college so far can claim admiration. Students have engaged themselves in their studies very enthusiastically with open minds & the teachers teach them holistically . Our approach is practical & Traditional but the thinking is always resolving around the modern medical innovations.
Students here would receive all the modern facilities all the modern facilities with their experienced & friendly teaching staff. They are allowed to learn anything in the fields of medicine through active involvement in their studies. Welcome abroad .
This journey take your life to a new height . Enjoy it with your full energy & try to be the best in your field.
May Almighty Bless you All.
Mrs. Laila Arjumand
Chairman, Shaheed Monsur Ali Trust.Governing Body,
Shaheed Monsur Ali Medical College.
Best Regards
Best Regards